Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Organic Architecture Experience

Roca Gallery: Experience the Space of  the Organic Architecture 

Not to go further than London, to feel, live under one of Zaha Hadid buildings   they are all mostly an Organic Architecture, one of them is Roca Gallery

Roca Gallery:

Organic design often sparks off by organic feature or an organic element.

It is a difficult one to design, as it is  part of an existing ordinary building, it's the base floor, ground  
floor of standing building existing building

Let's have a feel how to be challenged to create that organic SPACE even though, it’s underneath flat 
ceiling, and within four walls

 It's the urge to make organic feeling, starting with the entrance façade that gives that harmonious space Organic feel, and all the interior which you FEEL totally in motion of water.

 That element of water is base of the design, as we can see and feel in every    curve in the design that it has been curved by water.

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