Designed Model:
Developments made to my model, enhanced by features and materials
to emphasise:
The scale of the space. Scale
Emphasise how it looks from inside, how people would be in such an
'organic space'.
· It's showing the Holes, are in harmonious ‘organic’ curve lines
simulating the breathing holes on the
actual shell body.
· Underscore how the holes came into a curvy line! And the function
of the holes providing daylight to space. -When needed- also they’re points of
LED for after dark. (Motion, will be revealed later)
· Showing the Pearl ‘organic feature’ as centre of space, as light
source, centre for interactive services. Point of providing a light source of
the space shines to reflect on the shining mother of pearl lining of
inner wall.
· The LED dimmable-soft blue lights- by the pearl simulating sea colour.
· The Pole that would devise the lifting motion to open and close the
space. (Motion is next phase of the practice)
·Presentation of the model, will include Sea wave’s sound effect simulating
that design is inspired by the sea shells.
· Interior design features, concerning the motion of the space, will
be revealed in next phase.